Welcome to the one-stop-shop for all the learning, happenings, and going-ons that are occurring in Room 20 at Oaklands School in 2016!

Room 20 in Term 1, 2016

Click on one of these stunning people to visit their ePortfolio.

Ella and Brae

Ella went home with Brae this weekend.

Ella had a great weekend with Brae and his family and is looking forward to going home with someone else next week.

Writing: Editing and Publishing

We have been learning to edit and publish our writing. 
We first write a draft story. 
Then we use this code to edit our writing.
After we conference with the teacher we are ready to publish!
When we publish we don't skip a line, we use our edited words, and we write as neat as we can.

We have also been learning how to use the iPad and Explain Everything to publish and talk about our writing. Here is a sample of Explain Everything from Matthew:

Habitats - Savanna Part 1

We have been creating a Savanna Diorama in class to help us with our thinking on habitats, their features and what makes animals suited to them. We will also use this habitat to look how we can protect habitats.
We are also creating a watering hole, grass, trees, and rocks.

Garden to Table

The Year 1s and the Year 7/8s have been doing the Garden to Table. This week they bought us the food the made with the ingredients from the garden. 

Oliver and Madeline seemed to enjoy them.

Ella and Datsyn

Ella went home with Datsyn this weekend. 

Ella had a great weekend with Datsyn and her family and is looking forward to going home with someone else next week!

Datsyn's Birthday

Madi's Birthday