Welcome to the one-stop-shop for all the learning, happenings, and going-ons that are occurring in Room 20 at Oaklands School in 2016!

Room 20 in Term 1, 2016

Click on one of these stunning people to visit their ePortfolio.

Jamie in their vege garden.  

Last year he grew coloured beetroot and zucchini and was keen to do the same again this year. 
Mum said: "Hopefully we can bring some in one day or some chocolate zucchini cake."

Jamie said: “I planted a zucchini plant in our garden.”

Whacky Hat Day in Room 20

Heaps of fun and wacky hats!

Whacky Hat Day on PhotoPeach
Tyler and Sustainability

Tyler did some interesting discovery and it fits in with our topic - Sustainability.

Tyler's mum emailed the following in the holiday to Room 20:-

Tyler asked what would happen if we planted an apple seed, so we decided to find out.

Firstly he put the seed in a glass with wet tissue paper and to our surprise it germinated (sprouted). 
We let it grow in the glass for a couple of weeks. He then re potted it in a bigger pot using plant food to help it grow. Then he gave it a good drink.

Watch this space !!!!!!!!!! Royal gala’s for everyone ………………in about 7 years J

Thank you Niki and Tyler, we can't wait . . . hhmmnnn, yummy apples!