Welcome to the one-stop-shop for all the learning, happenings, and going-ons that are occurring in Room 20 at Oaklands School in 2016!

Room 20 in Term 1, 2016

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Student Led Conferences

The children have worked very hard to prepare for the Student Led Conferences.
They have:

  • reflected on their learning
  • shared their thinking with a talking partner
  • written what they wanted to share about their learning
  • practised the Student Led Conference process, with a talking partner multiple times
  • accessed their blogs using a QR code and prepared to share their learning posts

Reflecting on Being Self Aware

At the beginning of the term, we reflected on our ability to complete our Literacy and Numeracy tasks independently and our ability to talk about what we were learning.

In Week 8, we reflected again to decided if we were improving. We also thought about how well we were completing our learning - Were we showing excellence by completing our Literacy and Numeracy tasks properly?

Science - How does it move?


We made simple parachutes using paper and string. 

We took them outside and dropped them from the top of the playground. We knew that gravity would pull the parachutes to the ground while the wind or air would try to push the parachute up.

Our parachutes floated down but they kept flipping over before they landed on the ground. We decided that this was because the paper was heavier than the string.

Next, we hung a Peg Person from the strings. Now our parachutes floated to the ground properly.

Science - How does it move?

Kite Flying

We made kites using straws, string and paper. We took them outside and tried to fly them. We need to pull the kite so that the wind could push it up.

Most of the time the kites twirled around when we ran. When we added tails to the kites they flew properly. The tail created drag

Physical Education & Sport

Each week Room 20 & 21 learn collaboratively to develop their fine and gross motor skills during a PE & Sport session.

This term we are focusing on sending skills (rolling, throwing & kicking), using bean bags and balls.