Welcome to the one-stop-shop for all the learning, happenings, and going-ons that are occurring in Room 20 at Oaklands School in 2016!

Room 20 in Term 1, 2016

Click on one of these stunning people to visit their ePortfolio.

I see, I think, I wonder

On Friday morning, the children in Room 20 shared their thinking and ideas about some artworks by well known artists.

We used the Thinking Tool - "I see, I think, I wonder" to express ourselves.

You might like to try this at home with your child. It's wonderful to hear their ideas and to explore the concept of people seeing, thinking and wondering different things about the same artwork.

Sketching Workshop

Room 20 did such an amazing job of staying focused on a Friday afternoon and producing fantastic portraits after carefully observing and following the specific instructions of the art tutor.

(Don't forget to click on the photos to make them larger)

Room 20 & 21's Whole School Assembly

We are super proud of the Room 20 & 21 students that represented our classes by leading the Whole School Assembly today. They did an amazing job!








We were also very proud of the Room 21 students who received Principal Awards for Effort................


And the Room 20 students who received certificates for Touch Rugby.

Caleb & Xanthe.

Keeping Ourselves Safe with Constable Ross

Secrets & Tricks

We talked to Constable Ross about good secrets and bad secrets. We watched some videos and decided if they were good secrets or bad secrets.

We thought some were good secrets.we talked about how good secrets are surprises like birthday parties and they make us feel excited or happy. 

Some videos were bad secrets to keep. We talked about how to get help and who we could talk to if someone told us to keep a bad secret. These secrets don't make us feel good.

Constable Ross tried to trick Jake. He pretended to be Dad's friend trying to get Jake to come to his car.

Anaru gave Jake some advice. He said "Don't do it. Ask your parents." Jake said no and he had to ask his Mum or Dad.

Constable Ross tried to trick Zubia too

And Keisha.....

And Anaru.......

But they were all too good at keeping themselves safe.

Great Job, Room 20!

Collaborative Maths

On Friday Room 20 and Room 21 had a collaborative maths time as well as reading time. We were practising really hard to write our numbers the correct way.

We practised our maths in lots of fun ways and we really enjoyed our learning together.

Buddy Reading 11/03/15

Buddy Reading 04/03/15 on PhotoPeach Buddy Reading 11/03/15 on PhotoPeach