Welcome to the one-stop-shop for all the learning, happenings, and going-ons that are occurring in Room 20 at Oaklands School in 2016!

Room 20 in Term 1, 2016

Click on one of these stunning people to visit their ePortfolio.

The World of Maths Roadshow

Our Year 2's in Room 20 and 21 had a great time at the Math's Roadshow today. They got to do a range of hands on, fun maths activities. They worked really hard as a team and showed great perseverance with some tricky maths problems. Here are some photos of the activities they go to do.

A & P Show Trip

We had an amazing day out at the show on Wednesday. 

A huge thank you to all the parents who came to help. The day would not have been possible without you. 

Have a look at all our photos and videos below!