Welcome to the one-stop-shop for all the learning, happenings, and going-ons that are occurring in Room 20 at Oaklands School in 2016!

Room 20 in Term 1, 2016

Click on one of these stunning people to visit their ePortfolio.

Oaklands Jump Off

Yesterday we were lucky enough to get out and do our Jump off!! Here are some photos of us skipping!

Oaklands Jump Off on PhotoPeach

Plasticine Boats

Does plasticine float?

No, it doesn't
Yes, it does!

We talked about density again.

Can you see what we did to the balls of plasticine we had, to make them float?

Our Weekend Adventures

It was wonderful to see all the exciting things that the children got up to over the weekend. It was great to hear the children sharing their stories with other children and discussing the slideshow with each other.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to do this for us. 
We really appreciate it.

Dancing Raisins & Magic Eggs

Try these fun experiments at home.

A Magic Egg
Fresh eggs will sink if dropped into water, but this egg is suspended in the middle of this glass - how is that possible? 

The magic word is density.

You need:
A tall glass
6 tablespoons of salt.
  • Mix the salt with half a glass of water - give it 10 min to dissolve.
  • Carefully pour fresh water into the glass - holding the glass on an angle helps to stop the fresh and salt waters mixing.
  • Gently drop the egg into the glass.

Team Assembly

Junior Choir

Geometry Pictures

Geometry on PhotoPeach

Buddy Reading

Buddy reading with Room 13 on a beautiful spring day.

Floating and Sinking

We are learning about floating and sinking.

We watched this video to get our brains thinking.

We tried to think of all....
  • the things that float
  • the things that sink
We then did an investigation to find out if certain items would float or sink.
First we made a prediction for each item - Float or Sink?
Then we observed what happened when the item was dropped in the water.

What do you think?
  • A feather?
  • A small wooden block?
  • A stone?
  • A light bulb?
  • A walnut shell?
  • A metal clip

Our geometry learning

Over the last 2 weeks we have been learning all about shapes. Instead of our normal number Must do's, we have had to do 3 geometry activities everyday. Below are some photos of us doing some of our independent activities and some of the learning activities with the teacher.



Reflecting on our Writing

This week, we wrote about a time when we did something really well.

Today at Reflection Time, we shared our writing with our friends and some parents who came to spend time with us.

We reflected on our writing, asking...

Does my writing included ideas about:

  • When
  • Where
  • Who
  • What
  • How
  • Why
We put counters on the words in our writing that proved we had included these ideas.
e.g. If someone used the word "Saturday", they put a counter on it because that proved they had talked about "When" in their writing.

Thank you to the parents who join us for Reflection Time on a Friday. We appreciate your time and we love having the opportunity to share our learning with other people in our school community.

Descriptive Writing

We have been using interesting characters to help us as we learn to write using describing words (adjectives).

We know that we are successful when our writing builds really fantastic pictures in the minds of the readers.