Welcome to the one-stop-shop for all the learning, happenings, and going-ons that are occurring in Room 20 at Oaklands School in 2016!

Room 20 in Term 1, 2016

Click on one of these stunning people to visit their ePortfolio.
Our Production Dance

Harlem Shake and Gangnam Style 

Opening of the school swimming pool.

Opening of the school swimming pool. 
We even made it into The Press!!

Looking back . . . .

Our Garden

We all love working in the garden!  The cauliflower in our garden was huge.  Mrs Bergmann harvested it and gave us all a taste of the raw cauliflower.  Room 21 came over and we shared the raw cauliflower with them.  We all enjoyed it and wanted more.  The raw cauliflower was sweet and very yummy!  

Term 4 

Our Production
Dance - Gangnam Style

We participate, follow instructions, move independently and in time to the music.

 Click on the link below  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SmThM9NDGA

Whacky Hair Day in Room 20